Wednesday, September 17, 2014

DICE Chapter 61

Just a heads up- I'm adjusting the calendar a bit to fit my schedule. I have a debate competition next Saturday so I'll probably end up moving the updates forward. (If any of you do LD, any words of advice? Noob here)
And as always, a shoutout to Splicer and Kfnmpah!


  1. Splicer here.

    Early release, great! (And no missing or switched panels this time XD)

    Your debate competition is on the 27th, you mean? Good luck, Lincoln-Douglas sounds hard, and to think people in the 19th century had an attention span long enough to follow a three hour debate on political matters… our soundbite-driven age may not be the true age of reason as people say.

    We'll hold down the fort while you prepare (in any case, we are now six chapters ahead of Lonemanga, it's not as if there were any sense of urgency), concentrate on what matters!

    1. I get back at 6pm on the 27th so I was planning on finishing scripts for 63 and 64 on the car ride. Hopefully, that'll be enough time to post the double update I planned.

  2. Haven't checked in for a few days and there are 2 new chapters already!
    Great work, thanks for the uploads! ^^

  3. Hi all!
    Thank you once again for the translation can't wait for the new chapters to show up:D

    Stay healthy

  4. Hello there. We'll let's say the best thing you can do is doing what you are doing here. Meaning you gotta wanna succeed as bad as you want to publish your great work here. There once was a saying like this : you won't be successful before you want to succeed as vad as you want to Breathe. So I think best is being rational but you can combine your life so far with the arguments you will be saying. Example you know what pain is like you have seen suffering. You can let those emotions flow into your argument but don't make it like pityfull or something what I mean is this. Example; drugs are bad. I would say yes they are but that's only the point of view for people who do not . I know it's bad but there are things why are we doing this. To kill your pain the world has given you to seek for good feelings someone has not given you . So the problem here it not the drug itself it does not matter if it's illegal or not. As long as we feel this way as long as we are humans drugs will also be a part of our life if bad or not . There is no light without darkness . You say drugs are harmfull and lethal but so is life itself as well I am not saying we should do drugs I am saying is we should find out why we are doing it instead of just banning it to make it illegal. Therefore the answer is to search in psychology. As long as we do not understand our brain perfectly we can say anything is bad
    Because our moral code and society wants us to think the way they want us to. That would be an argument OK it might not be perfect but I never said I am a good speeker. I just wanted to tell you be yourself you will learn how to do things that's normal it's what life is about we all are learning all our live. Be you and show them yourself you will be reaching your goal. Ah Btw and kiss some Ass there for me hahaha☺ sry for such a long comment I spaced out in writing this it may be irretaiting to read. Anyway like your work hoping to see more in the future good luck 🙋

    1. do you bro fluently in hangeul? or use google translate to translate the script? you are awesome

  5. Wooot woooot!!! As always thanks again Jin!


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